Beauty's Readin Log

This blog is my summer reading journal for my pre-AP English class. They require a chapter by chapter journal. This year's book is Black Beauty by Anna Sewell. My teachers provided a list of reader response lead-ins that we must use to start the topic of that journal entry for that chapter. I hope that you enjoy my logs and maybe you will read Black Beauty too! Check out Hoppin Readin Review for other reviews

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Ginger's Story Continues (Ch8 / Q29)

A quote that contains a special image or figure of speech in this chapter is, "...'tis 'the Birtwick horse balls, she'll be as good as Black Beauty by and by...", because it is John's little joke about how to turn a horse good. The Birtwick horse-balls are patience and gentleness, firmness and petting; one pound of each to be mixed with a pint of common-sense, and given to the horse every day. In this chapter Ginger tells Beauty the rest of her story. Ginger's first was with a man that only cared about a stylish turnout. Also Ginger had to use a checkrein, which forces her to hold her head up. She never ever got even a kind word form that master. Finally it became to much and she was sold. Luckily things got better after that because now she is experiencing the Birtwick horse-balls.


At 12:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the way you summarize or quote sections of the chapter to make your points. I have never read black beauty but it sounds very much like the movie we have at home. With love, Mom


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