A Friend in Need (Ch43 / Q29)
A quote that contains a special image or figure of speech in this chapter is, "In as much as ye have done it to one of the least of these, " because it is taken out of the Bible and is a special way of saying when you do wrong to someone you do wrong to God. In this chapter the election is in full swing. Beauty says that he will never want to attend one again. Even on a seemingly jolly day to the half drunken voters can be h e l l to others. Mostly because that day Beauty saw two people ran over. Jerry and Beauty had had a lot of work that day. Butt Jerry still, even with all the fares out there, was able to help people in need. They were sitting at a cabstand when a lady with a child came and asked him where the hospital was. But Jerry, because she couldn't pay, took her at no charge.
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